CLASSIC pasta meat filling for ravioli








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Meat fillings bring a fabulous and subtle taste to the ravioli, a taste that challenges one to use a sauce that enhances and compliments the pasta.

for the filling:

  • one-quarter pound ground veal
  • one-quarter pound ground pork
  • one tablespoon olive oil
  • three cloves garlic
  • one cup ricotta
  • one egg
  • two tablespoons chopped parsley
  • one-quarter cup freshly grated parmesan
  • salt and pepper

Heat the oil in a sauté pan over medium heat. Mince the garlic and add it, cooking until it starts to sizzle. Turn the heat to medium-high, and add the chopped meat, stirring constantly. Cook for two to three minutes, until it is lightly brown. Drain and put the meat in a mixing bowl.

After the meat cools, add the ricotta, the egg, the parsley, salt and pepper and mix thoroughly. Then add the parmesan, until you get a paste-like mixture, solid enough to hold a shape when dropped on the pasta sheets.

Taste for salt; set aside and let cool.

See how to make ravioli for the basic recipe; this is your filling.

We find that a very simple sauce, which can be just butter; or butter and sage, is ideal for this pasta.

For the butter sauce: use a stick and a half of butter (three-eights of a pound). Put in a saute pan over low heat; do not let the butter brown. When the ravioli are ready, put them on the individual serving dishes. Add the melted butter on top. Also add a tablespoon or so of freshly grated parmesan.

For the butter and sage sauce: melt one quarter pound of butter over low heat. Do not brown. Add two tablespoons of freshly chopped sage. Cook and stir for two minutes. Add a touch of salt and pepper. Place the ravioli on the individual serving dishes. Pour the butter and sage sauce over them. Add a tablespoon of freshly grated parmesan. Add a sage leaf or two for decoration.


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