CLASSIC pasta fettuccine with gorgonzola








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This is the classic for all of us gorgonzola lovers. It is like an alfredo on steroids. Use the creamy gorgonzola if you can, but any works.

for the sauce:

  • six ounces gorgonzola
  • one half cup whole milk
  • three tablespoons of butter
  • one half cup heavy cream
  • one half cup freshly grated parmesan
  • salt and pepper

for the pasta:

In a saute pan over medium heat, put in the milk, crumbled gorgonzola, and butter. Add a half teaspoon of salt and some freshly ground pepper. Stir constantly until the cheese has melted completely and all is a smooth mix. Add the cream, turn up the heat a little to medium high and cook about three minutes, until the cream is reduced about half -- like alfredo. Set aside.

Get five quarts of water up to a raging boil.  Add two tablespoons of salt. Add the fettuccine. Cook until al dente. Then drain well.

Add the fettuccine to the heated sauce. Stir thoroughly so that every strand of the pasta is well coated. Add the parmesan and stir some more. Taste for salt and pepper.

We cover the pan and heat over a medium high heat for a minute, to get the pasta steaming hot. Serve in heated bowls immediately. Take a few sprigs of parsley and add for decoration.


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